Frequently Asked Questions
Coaching is a tool that is used to empower individuals and help them reach their goals. It is a structured conversation between the coach and the client that uses questioning to unlock a person’s potential to maximise their own performance.
Coaching is a process where a coach partners with you in a thought provoking and creative process that supports you to make a change and helps you work towards a defined goal.
Mentoring is the process of helping and guiding you to support your personal development by sharing knowledge, skills and experience.
A coach will offer you a supportive and motivating environment to explore what you want in life and how you might achieve your aspirations. Through questioning and listening to your responses, your thought processes and beliefs will be challenged. You will be supported in the setting of appropriate goals and a commitment to action will be encouraged.
Coaching is predominantly carried out over Zoom, or face to face if preferred. The usual procedure is that the coach will send the client a Zoom invitation to attend the session at the agreed time and date. You will be guided through a stuctured process and will be asked questions that will facilitate the exploration of motivations, desires, skills and thought processes.
Do you feel that currently you aren’t reaching your potential and feeling fulfilled?
Is there a gap of where you are now to where you want to be?
Do you sometimes feel that you don’t have the skills, resources or confidence to get something complete?
Are you suffering from stress or anxiety and need some help with techniques and strategies to help you cope?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, then coaching can most definitely support you to be the best that you can be.
A coaching session is normally 1 hour in duration but can be shorter or longer depending on the topic and the resolution.
Coaching is not therapy, counselling, mentoring or mental health care. The coach is not functioning as a licensed mental health professional and coaching is not intended as a replacement for counselling, psychiatric interventions, treatment for mental illness, recovery from past abuse, professional medical advice, financial assistance, legal counsel or other professional services.
Sessions will normally run weekly or fortnightly, depending on your preference. Each session going forward will be organised at the end of the current session.
Coaching is a confidential relationship and the coach agrees to keep all information that is shared by the client strictly confidential, except in those situations where such confidentiality would violate the law or could jeopardise the safety of the client or others.
Please contact me to book a free 30 minute Discovery Call to discuss your requirements in more detail.