Anxiety & Stress
Anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness or apprehension. Everyone feels anxious at some point in their life and sometimes it can be an appropriate emotion and important for success, for example having a health concern or being in an exam situation. Anxiety is a natural innate response and is there to keep us safe and to protect us. Therefore, we need to learn to be able to manage our anxiety rather than getting rid of it altogether.
Anxiety can be occasional or frequent. However, when your anxiety becomes persistent this can be particularly distressing and overwhelming and can make managing your every day life extremely difficult. This can be caused when we have more major stresses than we can cope with at one time. Sometimes, we have no idea of the root cause to our anxiety and this can perpetuate our symptoms further.
I can help you relieve symptoms of anxiety by using scientifically proven neuroplasticity. By creating new neural pathways and changing thinking patterns, you will be more in control of your thoughts and feelings. You will become more aware of your anxiety triggers and will have all the tools and techniques available to stop anxious feelings in their tracks. You will have less self doubt, more control over your worrying thoughts and be able to live a happy, successful life free from fear and anxiety.
If you would like support in managing your anxiety and would like to learn tools and techniques to relieve symptoms and ensure a more positive and happier future free from anxiety, then please book a free Discovery Call with me today to discuss how I can help.
Symptoms of anxiety can be:
Increased heart rate/palpitations
Fast breathing/hyperventilating
Feeling hot and sweaty
Tightness in the chest or throat
Feeling lightheaded or that you might pass out
Stomach ache
Tense muscles
Stress is all around us and most of us are in a constant state of stress on a daily basis as our lives are now so hectic and demanding. Stress can be defined as the body’s nonspecific reaction to any demands for change. Therefore, stress is our response to something happening and is mostly due to external factors such as moving house, or being late for work, whereas anxiety is more of an internal response and is how we react to stressors. Anxiety will remain even when our stressors are removed.
Stress can be manageable but can often lead to anxiety and other health issues if left unresolved. If stress persists then your body will remain in a constant heightened state of alertness and will eventually adapt to managing high levels of stress. Stress hormones will be continually released through your body and your heart rate and blood pressure will remain high and your health will become compromised. Other symptoms you may experience are issues with concentration, frustration and irritability.
When you have suffered from periods of prolonged stress, this may result in chronic stress and exhaustion. Your body will suffer fatigue, depression, anxiety, a feeling of burnout and a low tolerance for dealing with current stress or taking on any new stress.
There are many strategies and techniques which I can teach you to help relieve your stress. One of these techniques is neuroplasticity, which is a scientifically proven method of creating new neural pathways in the brain. Using neuroplasticity and other techniques you will be able to improve your functioning, your focus and your quality of life. You will be able to handle stress more effectively and be more resilient to its effects. You will worry less and remain more calm under pressure and be more prepared to handle difficult situations. And above all, by reducing your stress and lowering your cortisol and adrenaline levels, you will improve your well-being and become healthier and happier.
So to learn more about stress management techniques today, please contact me for a free Discovery Call.